EFG Digital Key

Introducing our new security app

Simple, safe and secure

我們正在向全球客戶推出一款新的安全應用程式 EFG Digital Key,該應用程式已在瑞士、列支敦士登、英國、加勒比地區和摩納哥使用。它很快也會在其他地方推出。 如果您在多個地點擁有帳戶,您可能還未能升級。

EFG Digital Key 是一款適用於您的智慧型手機或平板電腦應用程序,可協助您存取我們的行動和網上銀行、批准付款以及在致電我們的電子銀行支援團隊時進行身份驗證。它將取代 EFG Access 和 Entrust Identity 應用程式。

Log in and securely identify yourself

EFG Digital Key offers a very simple, password-free login process. To login from your desktop, just enter your Username, scan the QR code using your EFG Digital Key app and confirm the log in. Logging in from our mobile app is also quick and easy when it is on the same smartphone or tablet as your EFG Digital Key app. And if you're using a mobile web browser, you can just tap the QR code.  

EFG Digital Key will also allow us to quickly, securely and safely identify you when you call our eBanking Support. 

Approving payments

EFG Digital Key will allow you to approve new beneficiaries and payments which you enter in either mobile or online banking. This is not only for your security, but is also in line with the European Payment Service Directive (PSD2), and meets the strong client authentication requirements.

Please note, EFG Digital Key is replacing EFG Access.

Get started

Simply scan the relevant QR Code below using your smart phone or tablet camera, download the app and review the terms and conditions.

If you are an existing digital banking client, log into online banking with your existing credentials, navigate to ‘Mobile’ in the top navigation and follow the two steps. If you require more help, simply follow the steps in our short video.

If you are a new digital banking client, you will need your Welcome letter and a smart phone with a camera. Follow the instructions sent with your welcome letter or follow this guide.

Get started

在 eBanking 方面,您是否需要幫助?請聯繫我們

您對我們的 eBanking 服務是否存有疑問?請您與我們的技術團隊取得聯繫。

客戶 eBanking: 
週一至週五 8:00 - 18:00 CET(中歐時間)
電話:+41 800 334 334


週一至週五 8:00 - 18:30 CET(中歐時間)
電話:+41 58 809 3999