EFG in Vaduz

Wherever you are in the world, you are never far from one of our experts

EFG Bank von Ernst


Our approach

At EFG, we are there for you, whenever and wherever you need us. It’s why we operate in 40 locations worldwide, to make sure we’re never too far away. We take the time to truly understand your needs and we think ahead to ensure that the next steps we take always lead in the right direction – to your success. By giving our CROs the freedom to make smarter choices for each individual client’s needs, you’ll experience private banking that is uniquely built around you.

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Financial place

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a constitutional hereditary monarchy on a democratic and parliamentary basis. The power of the state is enshrined in the Prince and the people.

Liechtenstein participates in a customs union with Switzerland and employs the Swiss franc as national currency. It has been a member of the European Economic Area, an organization serving as a bridge between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Union since May 1995.

Key market features

Legally backed

An established, flexible corporate legal framework to protect you, your wealth, investments and assets.

Stable environment

Political and economical stability with minimal bureaucracy and low tax rates.

Tax conformity

Financial centre regulation based on EU guidelines, implementation of international and European tax cooperation standards.