Disclaimer di EFG Wealth Solutions
EFG Wealth Solutions believe that the information on these webpages or in the publications contained herein is accurate. However, they are unavoidably general in content and should not be relied upon in making a specific decision. EFG and its affiliates do not provide advice, recommendations or opinions regarding legal and/or tax matters under any circumstances. To the extent that these webpages or the marketing publications , anything referenced herein, or any items attached hereto may concern tax matters, they are not intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax liabilities or penalties that may be imposed by law, foreign and domestic. Clients should take relevant professional legal and tax advice (including in their country of residence) before making a decision to create a structure, and engage our services. EFG Wealth Solutions is part of EFG International and includes the following: EFG Wealth Solutions (Jersey) Limited and its Jersey subsidiaries that are regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission; EFG Fund Services, which is a trading name of EFG Wealth Solutions (Jersey) Limited; EFG Wealth Solutions (Singapore) Limited is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore; EFG Bank & Trust (Bahamas) Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of The Bahamas; EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. is regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.