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The transition to a regenerative economy - ‘Doing less bad’ is not enough

Investment Insights

2 min read

The transition to a regenerative economy - ‘Doing less bad’ is not enough

Everything in our world is interconnected. Taking a narrow view of complex systems is no longer an option. Today’s linear economy is failing. We need to transition to a regenerative economy and see the bigger picture. ‘Doing less bad’ is no longer enough. Regeneration goes beyond sustainability and seeks to ‘do more good’. By creating conditions that support life in all its forms, regeneration has a positive impact on nature, society and the economy.

Melanie Beyeler
Melanie Beyeler

Melanie Beyeler, Senior Portfolio Manager, provides an overview of the three stages to a regenerative economy. Click here to read more.

Investissements responsables

Investir de manière responsable est désormais une considération essentielle pour les investisseurs. Chez EFGAM, nous pensons qu’intégrer les critères ESG est la meilleure des approches pour répondre aux exigences de nos investisseurs en toute transparence. 

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