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‘The Making of a Modern Musician’: Celebrating 20 years of Southbank Sinfonia


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‘The Making of a Modern Musician’: Celebrating 20 years of Southbank Sinfonia

Marketing & Communications
Marketing & Communications

Each year, 33 of the most promising young musicians from around the world come together to form an orchestra like no other, Southbank Sinfonia. The Fellowship of 2022/23 launch their new season this week, one that is even more significant given 2022 marks Southbank Sinfonia’s 20th anniversary. 

By their very nature, no two Fellowships are the same and the standard of applicants this year was extremely high. If you have ever wondered just what it takes to become a part of Southbank Sinfonia, we can bring you a fascinating insight into the whole selection process in this short video, ‘The Making of a Modern Musician’:

Over the course of the year, Southbank Sinfonia narrowed down an initial field of 500 candidates to the final 33 musicians who will go on to form this season’s Fellowship. The auditions tested the young musicians in a multitude of different areas, including playing ability and character, as well as leadership, collaboration and performance skills. 

Richard AA Thomas MBE, CEO, EFG Private Bank Limited commented “all of EFG’s strategic partnerships have talent development as a core value, and for the last 20 years Southbank Sinfonia has taken a wonderful cohort of young, aspiring musicians and given them a launch pad that enables them to go on and achieve great things in their professional career. We are delighted to partner with them”.

The new season runs from October 2022 to March 2023 and includes a special 20th anniversary concert, family workshops and a unique collaboration with composer Guy Barker, jazz guitarist Eugene Pao and clarinettist Giacomo Smith on Thursday, 17 November, as part of the 30th EFG London Jazz Festival.

EFG is a long-standing partner of Southbank Sinfonia and we have been pleased to see the relationship flourish over time. After three years of disruption, this season’s Fellowship will both celebrate the present and champion the future and we wish them the best of luck for their 20th anniversary season.







