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Béjart Ballet Lausanne’s triumphant night at the Opéra


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Béjart Ballet Lausanne’s triumphant night at the Opéra

Marketing & Communications
Marketing & Communications

Béjart Ballet Lausanne staged a triumphant return to the Opéra de Lausanne from 11-13 February, when artistic director Gil Roman was given ‘carte blanche’ to create an uplifting programme of dance dedicated to bringing joy to the live audience. Over the course of three sold out evenings, close to 3,000 spectators gave a standing ovation in response to the four ballets, which included two world premieres.

Alors on Danse…!’ the latest choreographed piece from Gil Roman opened the programme with a demanding sequence of compositions designed purely ‘for the pleasure of dancing’. You can discover more about the creation of ‘Alors on Danse…!’ from artistic director Gil Roman.


This was followed by ‘Les Chaises’, a moving ballet re-imagined for today by internationally renowned Italian Prima Ballerina Alessandra Ferri and Gil Roman. In this exclusive interview, Alessandra Ferri opens up about what it meant for her to dance this piece.


The second half of the programme opened with Dutch guest choreographer Joost Vrouenraets presenting ‘Bye Bye Baby Blackbird’, a signature composition set to the music of Johnny Cash. The evening concluded on a high note with ‘L’Oiseau de Feu’, an interpretation of the famous ballet which embraced the very best of traditional and contemporary dance.

As a National Partner of Béjart Ballet Lausanne, we are also able to bring you this short film of the programme highlights.







