Upgrade from EFG Access

Instructions for upgrading to EFG Digital Key

Step-by-step guide to migrating to EFG Digital Key from EFG Access

If you use EFG Access, you can follow the steps below to upgrade to EFG Digital Key. This is one of the simplest ways to upgrade to EFG Digital Key.

Step 1
Log into EFG Access, and click on the banner “Migrate to EFG Digital Key”. You will see a full screen with two steps. Tap on Step 1, this will take you to the App Store or Google Play, where you can then download the app. Once downloaded, set up the app.

Step 1_Access.png

Step 2
Return to EFG Access to complete step 2. Tap on Step 2 and accept the request to reopen EFG Digital Key to finish the set up. Within EFG Digital Key, you will be prompted to set a PIN. Once you have set this PIN, your EFG accounts will be automatically linked to EFG Digital Key, and you will use your EFG Digital Key app every time you log into eBanking. Once you have upgraded all of your accesses from EFG Access to EFG Digital Key, you can uninstall EFG Access from your smartphone or tablet.

Step 2_Access.png

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