Share repurchase

Share repurchase 2023/2024

EFG International announced the start of its share buyback programme on 8 September 2023, which was initially communicated on 26 July 2023. The Board of Directors of EFG International has decided to buy back up to a maximum of 6 million own registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.50 each. The share buyback programme starts on 11 September 2023 and will last until 11 September 2024 at the latest. 

It is intended to use the new capital band, which was approved at the annual general meeting on 21 April 2023, to cancel the registered shares repurchased under the share buyback programme. For the share buyback programme, a second trading line was established for the shares on SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd.

In accordance with Article 123 (1) c) of FMIO, the maximum daily buyback amount is 27’677 shares per day.

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Head of Investor Relations
Jens Brueckner
Phone: +41 44 226 17 99

Investor Relations