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Malizia Mangrove Park hits the ‘one million mangroves’ milestone

Sponsorships • Sailing

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Malizia Mangrove Park hits the ‘one million mangroves’ milestone

As they sail around the world, Team Malizia and skipper Boris Herrmann’s ‘A Race We Must Win’ mission is twofold. To compete at the highest level in sport and to create awareness of the race against time in the climate crisis, by highlighting solutions and inspiring action. At EFG, we share Team Malizia’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and as an extension of our long-standing partnership we support the Malizia Mangrove Park in the Philippines.

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This groundbreaking project was first created in 2020, together with the Mama Earth Foundation, the Davao Oriental State University and the local community and their collective goal was to plant one million mangroves. Today it was announced that they have reached this important restoration milestone, the result of which will help mitigate the impact of climate change.

Alongside the rainforests, mangroves are one of the most important ecosystems in the world. They capture and store very large amounts of carbon dioxide, play a significant role in preventing coastal erosion and protect and conserve the coral reefs which provide such an important habitat for a diverse range of species.

Boris Herrmann recognised the contribution made by Team Malizia’s supporters, saying “thanks to donations and help from our partners, we are pleased to announce that we have accomplished our goal of one million mangroves. Every mangrove counts. We are incredibly grateful for this collective support."

The Malizia Mangrove Park now has a new target to plant two million mangroves and their long-term aim is to restore the coastal ecosystem to the point where the mangroves can reproduce themselves and no further human intervention is needed.  

As part of our ongoing fundraising campaign, we also facilitate the planting of 100 mangroves for each new employee at EFG. By joining forces with Team Malizia to address important social and environmental challenges, we can help empower positive change. 

You can discover more about the Malizia Mangrove Park project here







