Install EFG Mobile Applications

Helping you stay connected

Putting information in your hands

Giving you access to the information you need is an important way to ensure you're always in control. Simply follow our installation steps for everything you need at your fingertips.

How to install and set up EFG applications

Instructions on how to install and set up the EFG mobile applications on a mobile device are provided below. Please note that all our mobile applications are always available in the relevant online app stores (Google Play for Android and Apple Store for iOS).

We strongly recommend that you avoid using public Wi-Fi for security reasons.

Important requirements

  • Ensure that your mobile device is connected to mobile data or secure Wi-Fi.
  • Check that your mobile device has a functioning camera to scan the QR code.
  • Ensure that you are in an environment that allows you to connect to eBanking using a separate device.

3 steps to installation

  1. Download the application from the online store.
  2. Once installed, tap on the icon to launch it.
  3. You can work through the onboarding pages to see a brief description of the different functions that the applications offer:

4. Tap on “Sign In” to start the registration process. Please note that these steps only have to be done once per eBanking account and device: