We welcome your feedback

We are committed in providing our professional services to our clients. Your comments and feedback are therefore invaluable to us and will enable us to serve you better.

You are most welcome to share your feedback through the following channels:

  • E-mail us to [email protected];
  • Talk to your client relationship officer;
  • Send us your letter in person or by post; or
  • Call directly to our Compliance Officer at (852) 2298 3289

Acknowledgment and response of complaints

If you have any questions in respect of our services that you feel have not been adequately or satisfactorily addressed by your Client Relationship Officer, you can lodge a formal complaint to us. An acknowledgement will be sent to you within seven (7) days upon receipt.

Written acknowledgement will only be provided in respect of complaints received by letter or email.

Upon receipt of your complaint, we will conduct a thorough review against the issues you raise and endeavour to provide you with a comprehensive written response within thirty (30) days of receipt. Alternatively, we will notify you in case we need more time to look into the matter (normally not exceeding sixty (60) days).

If we are able to provide a comprehensive written response to you within seven (7) days of receiving your complaint, we may combine the acknowledgment receipt of the complaint together with a comprehensive written response.

Alternative avenue to Financial Dispute Resolution Centre

If you remain dissatisfied with our response to your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre, subject to the requirements as set out on their website (relevant link is set out below).

The contact details of the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre are set out below:

Financial Dispute Resolution Centre
Room 408-409, 4/F,
West Wing, Justice Place,
11 Ice House Street,
Hong Kong

Tel: 3199 5199
Website: https://www.fdrc.org.hk/




  • 發送電郵至[email protected]
  • 與貴的客戶聯絡經理聯繫;
  • 以書面載述有關意見,並以親身或郵寄方式送交;
  • 或致電 (852) 2298 3289與本行的投訴主任聯絡




就接收該投訴後,我們將對閣下提出的問題進行徹底調查,並儘可能於接獲閣下投訴後三十天內提供書面回覆。如需時跟進,我們將定時通知閣下 (一般情況下不會超過六十天)。


若我們對貴投訴的回覆未能令您滿意,您有權將個案轉交金融糾紛調解中心處理(就其網站的要求而言 - 相關鏈接如下)。


電話:(852) 3199 5199